Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Tale of Another Shipment from Mexico

We are always thrilled to receive delivery of the items we purchase on our buying trips for Chiripa. You may also know that it’s never smooth sailing. Here’s how the delivery unfolded in mid-May:

After the usual month-or-two delay from the scheduled date, we were informed the delivery would be made from a 55-foot semi truck with no lift gate (to lower boxes to the ground). The delivery time was set for Thursday morning, after rush hour on South Park Street. OK, we’ll round up the guys and make sure all hands are ready. Maybe we can negotiate the truck into the Chiripa parking lot so we can unload directly into the garage.

The driver calls at 11 am on Wednesday; he’s an hour away. Quick! Find the other partners and get them to the shop! Chase away the drivers who want to park in the spaces in front of Chiripa’s garage. Chase away the police officer who stopped to inquire about a neighborhood business.

There’s no way Albert, the driver from Laredo, can back that huge truck to the garage. Great...we’ll have to unload boxes onto the street in front of the shop. Chase away the car that just parked in front of Chiripa.

Chiripa’s boxes are packed w-a -y in the front of the container, all fifty-five feet from the door.  Get Beth and Albert into the trailer to start moving boxes down to Jim and Jim on the street. Kathryn, keep an eye on the shop while helping coax some furniture and boxes through the front door. It starts to sprinkle rain. Jim and Jim use dollies to transport the boxes from the street through the mist and into the garage, stacking them high. We all continue hoisting and carrying for about an hour.

Finally, the truck is empty. Whew! Everything – and everyone – seems unscathed after the experience. We thank Albert for his help and he heads on to his next job. Chiripa’s next job?  Unpacking all the boxes. -BAR

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