Monday, March 31, 2008

Lunch in El Tigre, Michoacan

We took a break from our artist visits to lunch in El Tigre (near Capula, Michoacan, Mexico). Dirceau had introduced us to this popular spot on our last trip and we've been anticipating it for the last year. We probably would not have stopped on our own at a roadside restaurant without his recommendation. The food on this trip was as good as we remembered, but we were a little too early to be part of the crush of humanity that visits here daily.

The open restaurant faces the highway and long tables fill with locals. The menu is printed on boards on the wall, but, Dirceau just told the busy waitresses what to bring. Soup, grilled onions, avocado, tortillas, and meat. Salsa and chips came, too. Then we just dug in and made our own treats using the ingredients provided. The "kitchen" is part of the dining room and we watched the young women cooking expertly handle the tortillas and the grilled food.

Notice the green olla pot in the center. (See the 3/28 blog for a photo of one we have coming to Chiripa.)

We'll be back to artists workshops on the next post.

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